Month / February 2021

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  • Pain medication

    Joint pain is defined as joint pain in the body and is very common in chronic arthritis. Joint pain may appear if arthritis develops or if one of the joints is injured.…

  • Natural therapy

    There are many non-surgical methods for treating spine and joint problems. Our center offers several other options according to the degree of the condition, and among these options is manual physical therapy…

  • Treating diseases of the spine

    Our center provides a spine program, world-class medical care for patients with spinal problems, using the latest technology. The plans used in this program, which also include surgical treatment, are designed to…

  • Foot deformities

    Foot deformities are foot problems that include a difference in their shape from the normal shape, which may affect a person’s life, but not all foot deformities need treatment. But there are…

  • Botox injection

    Botox is an injectable cosmetic treatment that removes facial wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that caused them. Botox contains a dilute form of the botulinum toxin that leads to controlled muscle weakness…

  • Treatment of a meniscus tear

    One of the most common knee injuries is a torn meniscus. Any activity that causes your knee to move or rotate forcefully – especially when you put all your weight on it…

  • Disc treatment

    A disc back patient needs to use drugs to get rid of the feeling of pain, muscle relaxants, cortisone injections, and if the pain does not end within a few weeks, the…

  • Stem cell cell therapy

    The use of stem cell therapy to treat joints is the most studied method compared to treating other diseases with stem cells. The treatment increases the thickness of the cartilage tissue and…

  • Joint regeneration treatment with PRF

    Our center offers the latest technology for joint treatment, which is self-derived platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) from the blood of individuals, which increases regeneration and speeds up wound healing, due to the many…

  • Sleeve gastrectomy

    Many people strive to maintain an ideal healthy weight that attracts attention, especially obese people. Because weight gain has negative effects not only on the body, but also on the person’s psyche.…