Category / Gynecology

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  • Treating infertility

    The problem of infertility is a relatively common health problem, and the problem of infertility or delayed pregnancy may be caused by one of the health disorders of the woman, the man,…

  • Follow up on pregnancy

    Pregnancy period is one of the most important periods in a woman’s life; New spouses are confused about when they hear the news of pregnancy for the first time, and they need…

  • 3D ultrasound

    3D imaging allows the mother to see the width, length and height (depth) of the fetus images in the same way as 3D movies are displayed, but without movement (stereoscopic images). It…

  • Botox injection

    Botox is an injectable cosmetic treatment that removes facial wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that caused them. Botox contains a dilute form of the botulinum toxin that leads to controlled muscle weakness…

  • 2D ultrasound

    Two-dimensional ultrasound: It is used in the first months, and it helps to know the nature of the fetus, whether it is one, twin or three fetuses, its gender and its location,…

  • Carbon laser for sensitive area

    The carbon laser session for the sensitive area, or as it is called the carbon peeling session, begins with bringing in an amount of carbon paste, which is distributed a light layer…

  • Sensitive areas filler

    Fillers are injected into the outer labia in vaginal plastic surgeries, such as self-injection of fat into the labia in order to replenish their glasses again, especially after weight loss or aging.

  • Freshness needle

    Freshness needle are needles that contain many nutrients that are intended to nourish the inner layers of the skin, revitalize and stimulate them to get rid of old cells and dead skin,…

  • Peeling mask

    Skin peeling masks; Which has many real benefits, such as refreshing the skin after application, and peeling is considered one of the weekly skin care routine. Our center brings you the latest…

  • PRP injections

    The emergence of plasma injection has led to a new revolution in the world of health and cosmetology, especially hair transplantation. Plasma injection is a non-invasive treatment for hair loss. It has…